Java it is the use of Byte code that makes it platform independent.
Java platform independent language allows its the end users to access they source code and other language automatically,its a human readable language.
- Java is created in the James Gosling at the sun micro systems,and java is an open source programming language, generally the people refer the java because its source connections.
- Java code may be use sequence of machine that can be use executed by the directly CPU,and all the program in java are compiled by java c.
- Java is an independent platform and variety of methods, its object oriented language, and java is study platform.
- Java program are compiled into byte code and that byte code is platform independent, and they machine execute the byte code the java virtual machine.
- Java is the platform independent because it does not depend on the type of platform,and the virtual machine also interpret the representations.
- Java compiler is the .class file or the byte code and the machine native code,java is that depend on java virtual machine.
- Java is does not required any licence to the run and they also reliable platform to work on.