Use the following excerpt taken from an abolition speech delivered by William Wilberforce to answer the question below:
"Having now disposed of the first part of this subject, I must speak of the transit of the slaves in the West Indies. This I confess, in my own opinion, is the most wretched part of the whole subject. So much misery condensed in so little room, is more than the human imagination had ever before conceived ... Let any one imagine to himself 6 or 700 of these wretches chained two and two, surrounded with every object that is nauseous and disgusting, diseased, and struggling under every kind of wretchedness! How can we bear to think of such a scene as this?"
-William Wilberforce's, 1789 Abolition Speech
Based on the above excerpt, why did Wilberforce think that slavery should be abolished?
Slavery does not provide enough profit for the amount of suffering it causes.
Slavery causes the spread of disease, which could affect Europeans as well as Africans
No person should be submitted to the immense suffering that is perpetrated through slavery.
People who are submitted to the suffering caused by slavery might rebel against Europeans.