a) Portfolio ABC's expected return is 10.66667%.
Some information is missing:
Stock Expected Standard Beta
return deviation
A 10% 20% 1.0
B 10% 10% 1.0
C 12% 12% 1.4
The expected return or portfolio AB = (1/2 x 10%) + (1/2 x 10%) = 10% (it is the same as the required rate for stock A or B)
The expected return or portfolio ABC = (weight of stock A x expected return of stock A) + (weight of stock B x expected return of stock B) + (weight of stock C x expected return of stock C) = (1/3 x 10%) + (1/3 x 10%) + (1/3 x 12%) = 3.333% + 3.333% + 4% = 10.667% THIS IS CORRECT
Options B, C, D and E are wrong.