Work Shown:
LCM = least common denominator
List out the prime factorization of each denominator
So we have the list of primes 2,3, and 11 that help form the denominators when we multiply some of them together.
The prime 2 shows up at most twice, so 2*2 = 4 is a factor of the LCM
The prime 3 shows up at most one time, meaning 3 is also a factor
The prime 11 shows up at most one time, so 11 is another factor
Multiply these factors to get 4*3*11 = 12*11 = 132
The LCM is 132
Another Approach:
Focus on 1/6 and 10/11 for now. The LCM is 66 because 6*11 = 66. We simply multiply the denominators together. Then we divide over the GCF 1 to get 66/1 = 66.
The LCM of 1/6 and 10/11 is 66
The fractions 1/6 and 10/11 are equivalent to 11/66 and 60/66 respectively
The original list of fractions updates to 11/66, 60/66, 5/12
We've gone from 3 different denominators to now 2 different denominators.
Repeat the steps of multiplying the denominators and dividing by the GCF
66*12 = 792
792/(gcf of 66 and 12) = 792/6 = 132
So the LCM of all the fractions is 132.