READ THE CHAPTERS 1, 2, 3, 4,5 FROM THE BOOK 1 JOHN IN YOUR BIBLE AND ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: ¿Why did John write this epistle? (1:4, 2:1, 2:26) ¿In this epistle, what did John say that God is and begins with the letters "L" and "L"? (1: 5, 4: 8) What kind of person does Juan call a liar or one who lies? (1:10, 2: 4, 22) What did Juan say his hands had felt? (1: 1) What did John say that cleanses us from all sin? (1: 7) If a Christian sins, what should he do? (1: 9) Everything in the world, what does Juan say it is? (2:16) How did Juan call his readers? (2:12, 13) How does John define sin? (3: 4) What does John say about those who are born again? (3: 9) What Old Testament character does John use as an example of those who do not love one another? (3:12) What does Juan call the person who hates his brother? (3:15) How does John say that we should love? (3:18) Why should we not believe every spirit, but rather test the spirits if they are from God? (4: 1) Who or what is greater than the one in the world? (4: 4) What does John say about the commandments of God? (5: 4) Who are the three who bear witness on earth? (5:8) What are the two word phrases that John used at least five times in the last chapter of I John? (5: 2,15,18-20) What does John say we should guard against at the end of this epistle? (5:21)

Respuesta :


so1: he wrote that their joy may be complete,that they may not sin and also that they may not be deceived.

2:John says that God is light and love

3:so John calls a liar whomever says that they have not sinned or say they know Jesus but don't obey his commandments or denies that Jesus is the Christ

4:I guess is the manifestation of God's word through Jesus Christ

5: the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sins

6:a Christian should confess their sins

7:everything of this world,lust and pride,are not of God but of this world

8:he called them little children and father's

9:he defines sin as lawlessness

10:he says that none of them commit sin but God's nature abides in the person therefore for those born of him can't commit sin

11:he used Cain who murdered his brother

12:he calls them a murderer

13:he says that we should love in deed and I'm truth

14: because of the presence of many false prophets in the world


what he did you type all of that in one sitting