Respuesta :


The Conservation area is the pay way to the special architectural and historic interest  these are special character.


Conservation area is the features of building and use that historical development to contribute to its special character material and style.

  • Conservation area is that contain process to the application management development process and local residents.
  • Conservation is that the produce demolition of a building structure with the conservation area,contribute to the group in individually.
  • Conservation area that are special protection in the trees to the dangerous tree and some of the fruit trees.
  • Conservation area are often to the protected by their building, planning works, these character area of appearance.
  • Development rights to the conservation area require to the planning and permission to the outside area.
  • Conservation area is classified to the regulation and the restricted area to the department planning.
  • Conservation area  is a composed to the impact of materials and building and the setting of impact.
  • The new development in the conservation area is to the process of the renewal and the managed in the conservation area.