Read Case Study 5:2 Gas or Grouse? in Chapter 5 of your textbook Business Ethics Concepts & Cases (8th Edition) by Manuel G. Velasquez and select the best answer for multiple choice questions below.
1. the spending bill was:
a. not necessary for the adjudication of Gas
b. passed by a largely republican congress
c. one of the most important milestones for emissions in the last century
d. the nickname of a politician that overspent funds by the name of William

2. BLM argued that:
a. it is important to treat everybody with respect
b. not everybody deserves an opportunity
c. gas emissions are important inter-globally
d. a significant decline in deer was a cause of action

3. The directional technology to drill was between:
a.$400,000 - $600,000
b. democrats and republicans
c. scientists and physicists
d. the period of 2008-2013

4. Grouse could be affected by:
a. folic acid in the air
b. excavation for silver and coal
c. overpopulation of Grouse
d. things that attract ravens

5. A decline in number of birds resulted because of
a. destruction of grounds for mating
b. 80% of nesting was destroyed
c. poor government internal controls
d. necessary bird control

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blm :)
