Answer: 44 inhale/exhale cycles per minute
According to a research carried out by Natale et al, 1988 on the patterns of fetal breathing activity in the human fetus at 24 to 28 weeks of gestation using Ultrasonic evaluation under a continuous 24-hour observations showed that The fetus makes breathing motions about 14 percent of the time in order to draw amniotic fluid inside the lungs, of which the respiratory rate can rise as high as 44 inhale/exhale cycles per minute at 22 to 26 weeks of which this rate can change in relation to maternal carbon dioxide levels, causing the fetus's respiratory center to respond to alterations in carbon dioxide levels as carried out by Connors et al, 1989 in the research on the role of Control of fetal breathing in the human fetus together with the carbon dioxide role in the generation of human fetal breathing movements.