You've sealed the Red Man's problem, And will take up the Brown, In vain ye seek to end it, With bullets, blood or death Better by far defend it With honor's holy breath. —H. T. Johnson, "The Black Man's Burden," 1899 What is the main idea of the poem "The Black Man’s Burden”? Africans are being mistreated but will fight for their rights. Africans need to uphold Europeans’ honor. Europeans need to share their civilized cultures. Africans need to exhibit imperialism in Europe.

Respuesta :

The correct answer is A. Africans are being mistreated but will fight for their rights.


The poem "The Black Man's Burden" focuses on explaining imperialism (policy of colonizing and conquering other countries) and how this was used by Europeans or whites to attack and destroy certain populations including Africans. Indeed, the author refers to this in the section "And will take up the Brown, In vain ye seek to end it, With bullets, blood or death" that shows how Africans are being mistreated and attacked. However, the author also explains Africans will fight with honor, this can be seen in "Better by far defend it With honor's holy breath." According to this, the main idea or point is "Africans are being mistreated but will fight for their rights".


A. Africans are being mistreated but will fight for their rights.


May I have brainliest please? :)

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