The following passage describes the use of contradiction by Wilder is when Mr. Gibbs and Mrs. Gibbs discusses how marriage is an awful thing and on the other hand Mr. Webb says to George that marriage is a wonderful thing.
Our Town is a three-act play written by Thornton Wilder. The play is written in metatheatrical manner. The story narrates about everyday lives of people in New Hampshire.
In Act 2 of the play, Wilder has used the contradiction in the thoughts of the people about love and marriage. In this act, when Mr and Mrs Gibbs got to know that George and Emily are getting married, they discussed how marriage is an awful thing and Mrs Gibbs feels like crying for George.
In the same act when George went to Mr and Mrs Webb, Mr Webb told him that marriage is a wonderful thing. We can see the contradiction in the perception of people about marriage and love in the given passage and Act 2 of the play.