I need some help with the following Java assignment. This assignment requires the use of Apache NetBeans.
Create a Student class (you can simply modify your class from the previous unit’s exercise) that will be used as your data record. The class contains instance variables for: student ID number, integer last name, string first name, string grade point average, double Build an application that will accept user input for your data record from the screen. Your program will create 3 files. The first file will contain records for honors students whose grade point average is at least 3.6 or higher. The second file will contain records for students in good standing with grade point averages between 2.0 and 3.5. The third file will contain records for students receiving probation with grade point averages below 2.0. Name your program SortStudents.java. Make sure there are several records in each file for later processing when you run your program. Create a second application that uses the files created above. Process each file in turn, beginning with the honors students, followed by the students in good standing and ending with the students receiving probation. Name your program StudentReport.java. Format your student report as follows: High Honors Students ID Number Name GPA 12345 Bill Johnson 3.8 23456 Judy Kirk 3.7 . . . Students in Good Standing ID Number Name GPA 34567 Suzy Clarkson 3.2 45678 Bob Wilson 2.9 56789 Mike Nice 2.5 . . . Students Receiving Probation ID Number Name GPA 67890 Diana Long 1.6 78901 Linda Willows 1.2 . . . Finally, create a third application named SearchStudentFiles.java that will search the 3 files for a given student’s name. If the student is found, display the search results on the screen: ID Number Name GPA 67890 Diana Long 1.6 If the student is not found, display a message indicating so. Allow the user to perform multiple searches on the files, indicating they are done by entering a sentinel value as input.
This assignment is very confusing to me, and would greatly appreciate some help. This is due on Saturday night.