There is an old saying, "The pen is mightier than the sword." Consider: What does this metaphor mean? How does it apply to George Orwell’s novel Animal Farm? How does it apply to other political/social writers, too? In your argumentative essay, provide at least three examples from literary texts and/or real life, that support the saying, "The pen is mightier than the sword" or disprove it.

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Well the that saying basically means that some problems are fixed by communicating not gifting. For example, it business it’s better to write a letter or talk something out than fighting and arguing violently. Personally I completely disagree with violence but that’s another story...
This saying applies with animal farm because these animals used words and debates to fix things most of the time than arguing and fighting
Political and social writers should communicate with each other and compromise with each other to come up with a solution that benefits both sides.
I won’t do your essay for you, but I would agree with the saying. You can use essay typed to help you