Respuesta :



C. Give him a second chance and treat him more fairly .


The letter "An Indian Father's Plea" is a plea letter written by Medicine Grizzlybear Lake to his son's teacher who has labeled him "a slow learner". The son, Wind-Wolf is a native Indian who had started school in a western American schooling system and seemed 'slow' as compared to the other students.

But according to the father, he had been through more education than his classmates. Just because he is an Indian doesn't mean he doesn't know the way of the world or even the American western system. As compared to his traditional way of learning, the western education system may be hard but that is no reason to call a child "a slow learner". So, Robert Lake (Medicine Grizzlybear) wrote this letter as a plea to ask the teacher to give his son Wind-Wolf a second chance and treat him more fairly.


