Respuesta :
Nice to hear you are so ambitious. It’s defintely a great experience, if you can become the class prefect in your school. I would focus on a couple of the most interesting roles and responsibilities that you will have, and relate them to your strengths. Here are some generic roles and responsibilities as Prefect at school would be:
• To ensure the older pupils set the right example to the rest of the school;
• Welcoming visitors to the school;
• Attend public functions with school staff;
• Oversee and support during Pupil Task Force Meetings;
• Make presentations in assembly;
• Support in planning events;
• Help to make the school a warm and happy environment;
• Make sure our visitors feel welcome.
A way to start your letter:
Dear Mr., Mrs. [NAME PRINCIPAL],
I am applying for the position of (Deputy) Head Girl/Boy for [SCHOOL NAME] Prefectural Board for the coming year.
I would be a good Prefect because I feel I am a good role model to the rest of our school and I would take the position very seriously. I believe being Prefect is not all about academic achievements but about having good personal qualities such as, being hard working, excellent communication skills, good team skills, good listening and lastly good leadership.
I have achieved these skills over my years at [SCHOOL NAME] (Primary Section) and always make 100% effort in everything that I do. [SCHOOL NAME] (Primary Section) is special to me because it has given me lots of opportunities to try new things such as school choir, netball and much more.