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Better safe than sorry. A phrase said by many people but has a great point. A similar phrase is prepare for the worst and hope for the best. it means to take precautions in case things don't go your way. You can never exactly know what life can throw at you at the last moment. you decide to write your paper the night before it's due? oh wait you printer ran out of ink and you can't print it for tomorrows class. you didnt pack your lunch for work the nigh before and decided to pack it in the morning? welp you decide to press snooze 3 time on your alarm and when you woke up you were already running late and couldn't pack it. now you have to go through the day hungry. These are just some scenarios you could face by not taking precautions. whatever you have planned you should let your plan be flexible for down the line or have a back up plan, because you don't know what life can throw at you. And it's better to be safe than sorry.

Actions speak louder than words. If somebody says “I am going to make this town great and in shape again!” It makes people excited, but just because they said it doesn’t mean they’ll do it. If we remake the situation and have somebody start making the town better, then piece by piece time by time the town will be better. This is why actions speak louder than words