The Payback period for this investment is 3.08 years
In order to calculate the payback period for this investment we would have to calculate first the cumulative cash inflow as follows:
Year cash inflow cumulative cash inflow calculation
1 $ 60,000 $ 60,000 $ 60,000
2 $ 40,000 $100,000 $ 40,000+$ 60,000
3 $ 70,000 $ 170,000 $ 70,000+$100,000
4 $ 125,000 $295,000 $ 125,000+$ 170,000
5 $ 35,000 $330,000 $35,000+$295,000
The total cash inflow from the project is $330,000
Therefore, Calculation of payback period=3 years+((180,000-170,000)%$125,000)
=3 years+($10,000%$125,000)
=3 years+0.08
=3.08 years
Payback period for this investment is 3.08 years