
Treatment has been planned for Mandy Moore to receive a three-unit bridge on teeth #11, #1ż, and #13. Because of

prolonged neglect of her dental needs, Mandy must go through a series of dental appointments to correct oral hygiene

and restorative problems before bridge preparation can begin.

1. What hygiene problems might interfere with Mandy's having a bridge placed?

Carities can form underneath

bacteria can build up

2. What type of bridge might be recommended for the charted teeth?

3. Which teeth are the abutment(s) and which are the pontic(s) for the bridge?

4. What type(s) of impression(s) would be taken through the series of procedures?

5. Describe the type(s) of provisional coverage that would best suit this patient.

6. Chart the procedure for the type of bridge described in question 2.

7. What expanded functions may be possible for you to complete throughout this procedure?