Answer: 74% is the average of grades below the blacked (or i guess i should say reded) out area
You passed!! Remember though, when entering a university, they take a look at your gpa. The average gpa of all the students in the world is 3.0. The limit is 4 or 5.
To enter top universities such as the ivy league (consisting of Harvard, MIT, etc), you need a gpa of about 4.15. This gpa requires straight As.
GPA Letter
Grade Percentage Grade
4.33 A+ 97%-100%
4.00 A 93%-96%
3.67 A- 90%-92%
3.33 B+ 87%-89%
3.00 B 83%-86%
2.67 B- 80%-82%
2.33 C+ 77%-79%
2.00 C 73%-76%
1.67 C- 70%-72%
1.33 D+ 67%-69%
1.00 D 63%-66%
0.67 D- 60%-62%
0 F 0%-59%