
Analicen el cariotipo humano y den dos ejemplos de pares de cromosomas metacéntricos, dos ejemplos de pares telocéntricos y dos ejemplos de pares acrocéntricos.

Respuesta :

Analyze the human karyotype and give two examples of pairs of metacentric chromosomes, two examples of telocentric pairs, and two examples of acrocentric pairs.

Answer: The test that is conducted to evaluate and identity the shape,size and number of chromosomes in cells of organism is called the Karyotype.

Metacentic chromosomes   are X -  shaped chromosomes. They have centromere at the middle, which makes the arms of the chromosomes equal in length. Therefore any type of chromosomes with equal length of arms is said  to be Metacentic.  Thus  chromosomes  on position  1,13, 16 , 19  and 20 are examples.

When a pair of chromosomes showed  a regular segregation at anaphase  of meiosis, they are said to be telocentric. They are type of chromosomes in which the centromere are located  at the terminal ends of the chromosomes, with the telemeres extending from theses ends.Hence during segregation, the ends of  telocentric chromosomes are orientated towards the poles of the cells. example is the alphabets ''i'' shaped chromosomes in mice and 29 pairs autosomes  in Angora goats.

When the centromere is located in such a way that one arm lenght of a chromosomes is longer than the other, then this is called acrocentric. Example is chromosome 21 of down syndrome.others are 13, 14, 15, 22, and Y-chromosomes.
