Excerpt from Building Green
Elizabeth Kibler

Reducing the amount of fresh water used in building is another green trend. Some green buildings reduce the amount of water they use by installing gray water systems. Gray water is the term used to describe any waste water not from a toilet. This water is treated and used most often for irrigation. Gray water systems let people use less fresh water and keep waste water from taxing water treatment centers.

Not only can green buildings reuse water, they can also reduce the amount of water they need. Low-flow toilets, sinks, and shower heads that use less water can save millions of gallons of water from being wasted every year. Also, some buildings and developments are reducing the amount of fresh water they use with xeriscaping methods. Xeriscaping, which is a form of landscaping, uses plants that require very little water.
If xer- means dry and -scape is related to landscape, which of these words means a type of landscaping that uses plants that require less water?
A) cityscape
B) xenograft
C) xeriscape
D) xenophobia