. Oregon State University President Ed Ray has stated, "It never matters how small or big the impact is, it’s about doing the right things for the right reason." Based on this quote alone, would you say that President Ray subscribes to a deontological, utilitarianist, or virtue ethics approach to ethical decision making? Describe in detail the approach you selected and then explain why you feel this ethical approach best fits with President Ray’s quote.

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The president subscribed to virtue ethics approach to ethical decision making.

Virtue ethics also known as virtue theory is a type of approach to ethics that stresses on an individual's character as the main element of ethical thinking rather than rules about the acts of the individual or consequences of their actions, which are deontology and consequentialism, respectively

A virtue is a habit or quality that lets people succeed at their purpose. There are three major classes of virtue ethics.

A) Eudaimonism is the oldest formulation of virtue ethics. It postulates that the goal of human life is eudaimonia translated as 'good life' or 'happiness' and that this goal can be achieved by practising virtue.

B) Ethics of care developed in the twentieth century

C) Agent based theories developed in 1941 by Slote.

The president's speech appealed to the character and conscience of the students. Doing the right thing for the right reasons not doing it because there are rules.