What is another benefit to being
bilingual? Drag it to the chart.
Important Idea
Being bilingual has benefits
Several of the benefits of being bilingual are pretty
obvious. If you speak more than one language, you can
communicate with a lot more people. For instance, there
are about 400 million native English speakers and 400
million native Spanish speakers worldwide. So if you speak
both languages, you can double the number of
conversations you can have. When you're first learning a
new language, it can be difficult. It might be helpful to
select a language that is spoken by someone you know.
Exchanging easy words and phrases with a friend is a
great way to get started:
You can
visit and
interact in
Being bilingual also opens up the places in the world
where you can visit and easily interact with the local
people. And knowing another language can be good for
your career. Many American companies, especially those
that do international business, seek employees who can
speak another language besides English