In the passage below from Staying Put: Making a Home in a Restless World, Scott Russell Sanders responds to an essay by Salman Rushdie, a writer who left his native India for England. Rushdie describes the "effect of mass migrations" as being "the creation of radically new types of human being: people who root themselves in ideas rather than places."

Read the Sanders passage carefully. Then write an essay in which you analyze the strategies Sanders uses to develop his perspective about moving.

Respuesta :

In his essay, Sanders states how immigrants grow in knowledge and ideas and end up establishing a new worldview, in addition to a new environment. For this reason, he says that immigrants are people who take root in ideas and not in places.

To support this statement, Sanders shows how migration arises from the idea of achieving greater qualities of life, greater opportunities and a search for success. Niguem leaves his homeland, without these ideas providing the fuel for the immigrant to overcome all the challenges that migration will bring to his life.

With that, Sanders shows that moving goes beyond the change of place, of the environment, but it is a change of thought, of struggle and of wills.