In paragraph 13, Monkeyman saves Peaches from Lady Tigro who was going kill her with a razor blade by knocking the blade off her hand. It's a heroic and courageous deed because the Tigro gang were ruthless and would kill to make a statement.
Between paragraph 43 and 45, Monkeyman faces off with a Tigro who threatens to kill him when the chance arises. Monkeyman in another act of courage challenges him to a fight to the death and proposes a place and a time.
And so in chapters 64 to 84, Monkeyman shows up but not to fight. He removes his shirt and continues to take a beating from the Tigro until the Tigro didn't see any reason to continue any longer. He had hoped for a fight. Monkeyman had mere stood there taking a beating without any real plan to protect himself. He had counted on the fact that the people in the neighbourhood would do something. So though he was not fighting physically, he was fighting for the community and all that they stood for which is peace and a community rid of hooligans like the Tigros.