Respuesta :
Walter Mischel's Theory of Personality states that a person's behavior is influenced by two factors: the specific attributes of a given situation and the way the person perceives the situation.
According to Mischel, there are five person variables that contribute to the conditions of a given situation. They are used to predict how a person is more likely to behave.
- Competences: our intellectual skills, as well as our social skills.
- Cognitive Strategies: the different perceptions of a certain event. For example, what may be "threatening" to you may be "challenging" to someone else.
-Expectations: the expected results of the different behaviors, obtained by the person within his mind.
-Subjective values: the respective value of each possible result of various behaviors.
-Self-regulation systems: the set of rules and norms to which people adapt to regulate their behavior.
Finally, Mischel believes that personality itself does not exist and that our traits are simply cognitive strategies or things we do for ourselves to obtain the kind of reward we desire.
There are many modern examples that support this theory of personality According to scientific sources, people who know how to wait obtain more benefits in the short and long term, because they develop qualities such as patience, self-control, self-control, which allows them to easily adapt to the situations if there are unexpected changes in their lives, such as loss of employment, or the simple fact of knowing how to wait in a bank.
What is the gratification to receive, or the response to their behavior: perhaps more accessible people, better employees with a very good self-esteem and a more productive social and family life.