Respuesta :
1. To gain independance for nations of Southeast and asia
2.To seperate smaller independant nations from thje cold war superpowers
3. Tp create a third cold war superpower made up of smaller nations.
4. Stregthen relatiopns between Southeast asian mationsd and the west.
Five principals for asia:
1. Mutuald respect for each others territorial integrity and soverity.
2. Mutual non-aggression
3. Mutual non-interference in domestic affairs
4. Equality and mutual benefit
5. Peaceful co-existance.
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Nonalignment meant that India did not take sides in the Cold War. Although India eventually moved closer to the Soviet Union, it did not oppose the U.S. Subsequently, India also established relations with the U.S. India’s policy of nonalignment has been followed by other Asian nations that wish to maintain a measure of neutrality.
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