The bacterium Helicobacter pylori colonizes the stomachs of > 50% of the world's population. This species is what some call a "pathobiont," an organism that is a member of the human microbiome but can cause disease in some individuals. Of those infected with H. pylori, approximately 5% develop gastric ulcers and 1-3% develop gastric cancer. Interestingly, hosts that are colonized with H. pylori are also less likely to develop allergic diseases and active tuberculosis! The high rate of gastric cancer and H. pylori recurrence after treatment in Tibet has led some administrators to propose treating the entire population of Tibet with antibiotics to eradicate the bacteriunm Is the proposed treatment a good idea? Discuss the benefits and problems that would result from such a country-wide treatment plan. Your discussion should take into account the functions and activities of the human microbiome that were presented in the reading.