Respuesta :


1. progression can also be accomplished by changing frequency, number of exercises, complexity of exercises, the number of sets, and in any combination.

2.The Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands (SAID) affirms that the body will improve its performance of a specific exercise over time.

3. Altering load, volume, frequency, exercise variety, and rest periods can also enhance performance.

4 Extended rest periods reduce fitness and the physiological effects diminish over time which throws the body back to its pre-training condition … reductions in performance can be lost in as little as two weeks and sometimes sooner.

5.OVERLOAD: Skills and movements are of higher quality when fatigue does not affect the trainee’s ability to properly pattern movements.


The five strength training principles are:

1. Overload- placing increasing amounts of stress on the body causes adaptations that improve fitness.

2. Recovery- the body should adapt to the stress placed upon intense workout sessions

3. Specificity- the adaptations your body will make are specific to the types of exercise stress to which it is exposed

4. Reversibility- you must be consistent in your training efforts in order to achieve results or maintain your fitness level

5. Periodization- long-term fitness plan is a must  if you want to work toward fitness-related goals.