Tsunamis are a series of waves created when a body of water (usually an ocean) is disturbed on a massive level. Earthquakes, mass movements (above and below the surface), volcanic eruptions, and large meteorite impacts all have the potential to cause a tsunami. It had been incorrectly believed that tsunamis looked like a large cresting wave(s), which in fact gave it the improper reference of “tidal wave.” In reality a tsunami looks more like an endlessly onrushing tide that forces itself around and through any obstacle. In open water a tsunami’s height is about one meter, barely noticeable to those out at sea. That changes when it approaches a land mass because the water becomes shallow. A tsunami can travel at approximately 500 miles per hour and not lose much of its energy, and has the ability to cause great devastation. Which does a tsunami look like? A. a series of great crashing waves B. a wall of water C. an endlessly onrushing tide D. none of the above