Respuesta :
Getting Started
Choose your topic. ...
Time for some research - you need to know your stuff! ...
Consider your audience. ...
Grab your audience's attention. ...
Create a script and keep your script to a few simple statements. ...
Storyboard your script.
Film your footage and edit your PSA.
Find your audience and get their reaction.
Choose your topic. ...
Time for some research - you need to know your stuff! ...
Consider your audience. ...
Grab your audience's attention. ...
Create a script and keep your script to a few simple statements. ...
Storyboard your script.
Film your footage and edit your PSA.
Find your audience and get their reaction.
s get going.....
What Is A Public Service Announcement?
A Public Service Announcement (PSA) is a free “commercial” for a non-profit
organization. It is aired voluntary by individual radio and/or TV stations.
But To The Audience.....
To the audience, a PSA is just another commercial.
So to learn how to write an effective PSA, you need to understand how to create
an effective commercial. Whether you call it “commercial” or “PSA,” to the
audience it’s all advertising.
But I’m Not Very “Creative!”
This might surprise you, but you don’t need to be “creative” to create great
advertising. If you know how to communicate effectively in an everyday
conversation, you can create an effective PSA.
How Do I Start?
You start with the goal of the PSA: What do you want it to accomplish? Once
you know the goal, then you can figure out how the PSA can achieve it.
What Is The Goal of a PSA?
The goal of a PSA is simple: To get someone to take a specific
action. It’s not to talk about the sponsoring organization. It’s
to motivate the targeted audience to act: To drop off the canned
goods for the food drive. To make sure their children’s seat belts
are buckled. To stay in school....To stop smoking....To avoid
abusing drugs.