
Who are the current justices and how long have they been serving on the Supreme Court?
Why does the U.S. Constitution play an important part in the work of the United States Supreme Court?
Give an example of one or two Supreme Court cases (including dates and titles of the court cases) and whether you believe the decisions handed down were in agreement with the truths of the Bible.

Respuesta :

The current Supreme Court justices include Ruth Ginsburg (appointed by Bill Clinton in 1993) Clarence Thomas (appointed by George W. Bush in 1991) John Roberts (appointed in 2003 by George W. Bush) Sonia Sotomayor (appointed by Barack Obama in 2009) Anthony Kennedy (appointed by Ronald Reagan in 1988) Samuel Alito (appointed by George W. Bush in 2006) Elena  Kagan (appointed by Barack Obama in 2010) Stephen Breyer (appointed by Bill Clinton in 1994)

The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the United States and original consisted of seven articles. Its most important play in our government is that is seperates the powers into three branches so that no one single branch can have more power over the other in order to avoid destroying the idea of democracy. The government is meant to be run for the people by the people with its elected officials simply representations of the people. The job of the Supreme Court is to uphold the Constitution and its laws when the states cannot resolve an issue.

The other one is your opinion so you have to research that.