While studying evolution a student comes across a cladogram that includes clades like amphibia, reptilia, aves, and mammalia. What must be the basal clade?

A. plantae
B. chordata
C. nonchordata

Respuesta :

Amphibia, reptilia, aves, and mammalia belong to the Kingdom Animalia or animals as they are called. These clasifications of animals mentioned above has cord on their bodies unlike animals with no vertebrae like sponges and other aquatic organisms, the basal clade of these animals is B. chordata


B. chordata


The amphibia, reptilia, aves and mammalia, are all animals that exists in the reign of the animalia, and they are part of the Chordata basal clade, this means that they all have durign a certain period of their lives a notochord, that can be found in the spine.