5. What is the surprising fact about how to prevent divorce using mathematics? 6. What is the negativity threshold? 7. Explain the relationship between the behavior of some couples and a nuclear arms race? 8. What surprised you most about the information in this video and why?

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The  scale of points produced by Gottman Group has shown two types of couple: High Risk and Low Risk of Divorce.

But the key factor was their interaction on the conversation.

This has shown us that Low risk of Divorce Couples score much more negative points than the High risk ones. And then the "low risk" got into a spiral of negativity so faster then the High risk.

6. The negativity threshold is how bad a Husband and Wife reacts to each other in theirs conversation. If there is a sequence of arguing, bad reactions then a negativity threshold is formed.

7. Similarly to a couple's relationship which is based on how a husband and wife reacts to each other while they're having a conversation, so the same as displayed in the equation


Is the way to countries at war behave.

8. To my surprise, I didn't know there was an equation by Mr. James Murray to explain a pattern of behavior of couples.

The surprising fact about how to stop a divorce using math is based on the scale of points produced by Gottman Group which shows us High Risk and Low Risk of Divorce.

  • The negative threshold is how bad a married man and women react to each other in their communication.  
  • The pattern of information in the video is understandable and relevant.

Learn more about how to prevent divorce.
