A cane toad produces a toxin (poison) in a gland behind its ear which can kill predators
that try to catch it and eat it for food. Some hedgehogs have a mutation which blocks
this toxin (poison) from entering their cells and keeps them from being harmed when
they catch and eat a cane toad,
Based on the information given above, Pick the statement below that best describes
the mutation of the hedgehog.
This mutation is neutral because it doesn't really help or hurt the hedgehog.
This mutation is harmful because the poison would still be in the body of the hedgehog if it ate the
cane toad.
This mutation is helpful because it makes the hedgehog immune to the cane toad toxin (poison) so
the hedgehog has more food sources for survival.
This mutation is helpful because it might make the hedgehog not be harmed by all toxins