A 1000-MVA, 20-kV, 60-Hz, three-phase generator is connected through a 1000-MVA, 20-kV, Dy345-kV, Y transformer to a 345-kV circuit breaker and a 345-kV transmission line. The generator reactances are X0 d 5 0.17, X9 d 5 0.30, and Xd 5 1.5 per unit, and its time constants are T0 d 5 0.05, T9 d 5 1.0, and TA 5 0.10 s. The transformer series reactance is 0.10 per unit; transformer losses and exciting current are neglected. A three-phase short-circuit occurs on the line side of the circuit breaker when the generator is operated at rated terminal voltage and at no-load. The breaker interrupts the fault three cycles after fault inception. Determine (a) the subtransient current through the breaker in per-unit and in kA rms and (b) the rms asymmetrical fault current the breaker interrupts, assuming maximum dc offset. Neglect the effect of the transformer on the time constants