Let us return to the ideal Rankine cycle in problem 9.1. We will now investigate the improvements to that cycle by employing superheat and reheat. Superheated vapor enters the turbine at p1 = 14 MPa and T1 = 400◦C. Steam expands through the first stage turbine to p2 = 3 MPa, and is then reheated to T3 = 360◦C. The processes through both turbine stages and the pump can be treated as isentropic, and states 5 and 6 in this problem correspond to states 3 and 4, respectively, in problem 9.1. (a) Find the total heat transfer per unit mass to the working fluid, ˙q23 + ˙q61, in kJ/kg. (b) Compute the overall thermal efficiency η for the cycle.