I need more information to answer this question and a better figure.
1. What is the frequency of the NMR machine?
Possible solution:
1. coupling constant Jab (in ppm) is given by
\nu_{a} - \nu_{b} = 4J_{ab}
2. Jab (in ppm) * Frequency of machine in (MHz)/106 is Jab in Hz
3. for cis vicinal Hydrogen Jab = 6-14 Hz
4. for trans vicinal Hydrogens Jab = 11-18 Hz
Now, considering 2 doublets are centered at 7.14 and 7.28 ppm , it gives
7.14 -7.28 = 4 Jab
thus, Jab = 0.07 ppm
Now if we consider a 100 MHz machine,
Jab = 7 Hz , thus indicating cis product
but if machine is 300 MHz
then Jab = 21 Hz , thus indicating a trans product.
But, most probably I feel it is a trans product. I hope it helps.