Investment in Stock X will be $7917 and investment in Stock Y will be $11083.
The portfolio return is the weighted average of the individual stock returns that form up the portfolio. The weightage is the investment in a stock as a proportion of the total investment in portfolio.
To calculate the weightage of investment in the stock, we will use the portfolio return formula for two stocks portfolio.
rP = wX * rX + wY * rY
Let x be the weightage of investment in Stock X or wX.
Let (1-x) be the weightage of investment in Stock Y or wY.
0.1325 = x * 0.15 + (1-x) * 0.12
0.1325 = 0.15x + 0.12 - 0.12x
0.1325 - 0.12 = 0.03x
0.0125 / 0.03 = x
x = 0.4167 or 41.67%
and (1-x) = 1 - 0.4167 = 0.5833 or 58.33%
Thus, investment in Stock X is 19000 * 41.67% = $7917.3 rounded off to $7917
Investment in Stock Y = 19000 * 58.33% = $11082.7 rounded off to $11083