The president of the company wants a list of all orders ever taken. He wants to see the customer name, the last name of the employee who took the order, the shipper who shipped the order, the product that was ordered, the quantity that was ordered, and the date on which the order was placed. [Hint: You will need to join the following tables:
Customers, Employees, Shippers, Orders, OrderDetails, Products, and to get all of the necessary information.]
Query Number of records returned
[Source:] [Database Tables: Customers, Categories, Employees, OrderDetails, Orders, Products, Shippers, Suppliers]

Respuesta :


see explaination


Check the SQL query below:

SELECT c.CustomerName, e.LastName, s.ShipperName, p.ProductName, o.Quantity, od.OrderDate


Customers c, Employee e, Shippers s, Orders o, OrderDetails od, Product p

WHERE c.customerID = o.customerID AND

e.employeeID = o.employeeID AND

o.orderID = od.orderID AND

od.shipperID = s.shipperID AND

od.productID = p.productID;