Indicate whether the situations involve economic discrimination. Sharna lives on a planet where unobtanium is mined by an interplanetary mining consortium. As such, many different kinds of aliens visit Sharna's planet to work. Sharna has found Earthling poetry and prose to be the worst drivel. Thus, Sharna refuses to purchase any Earth products. Sharna refuses to sell any goods to an Earthling. Sharna will loan Earthlings less for business loans than any other startup owner because of her displeasure from reading Earth literature. Sharna's business is a monopoly. Because laws on the planet are lax, Sharna conducts price discrimination based on each person's ability and willingness to pay.

Respuesta :


Yes, in the question there are is a clear example of economic discrimination.


The fact that Sharna does not purchase Earth prodcuts is not economic discrimination because each consumer is free to decide what to purchase.

However, Sharna is not only a consumer, but also a producer, and one that is a monopoly, and using the power of her monopolistic position to refuse to sell to Earthlings, or loan less to Earthlings, not because of legitimate economic justifications or concerns, but because she dislikes Earthling poetry, is a clear example of economic discrimination that would be struck down in an Earthling court.