short answer questions
What are folk songs? On what occasions are folk songs sung?
- What do you mean by Asaare Geet? When is it sung?
Name any four folk songs of Nepal.
4. Folk songs represent the culture of the contemporary society
with examples.
in Gandharva and Tara Devi, the stars in the
Give a brief introduction to Jhalakman Gandharva and Tara Devi
field of Nepali folk songs.
to sing a modern or a pop or a folk or a rap song, which one do yon
e contemporary society. Justify the statement
are losing their importance. What measures should be taken
prefer to sing? And why? Give any four reasons,
Many of the folk songs are losing their importance wi
for their preservation? Give your opinion.
Activity-based questions
1. Write the ecological regions and songs in the chart below
Ecological Regions
2. Collect the songs you have listened to in different places and on different occasio
and the specify them on the basis of the pla , occasions, castes or religions.