How is the struggle against the forces of injustice to be waged? (referring to the civil rights movement). Every answer to this question on google says the same exact thing, literally. with one or two words changed if that. Please someone help, I have been stuck on this for so long.

Respuesta :

The struggle against injustices was to be had by non violence and demonstration of truth.


The ideas of Martin Luther King JR that led the ideological and political actions of the civil rights movement for the most part were inspired by the methods of political agitation of Gandhi.

This was one of the few tactics that have become a part of the culture now

It involved

  • peaceful demonstration
  • civil disobedience
  • use of non violence and never resorting to any form of force during the protest.
  • the concept of enlightening the oppressor by not following their orders but not hurting them. Instead showing them the truth by the virtue of protest.