In both Archimedes and the Siege of Syracuse and the sand recknorer Archimedes was faced With the reality of war time. How did he feel about this initially? Did his attitude change? Describe how Archimedes reacted to the Reality of war time in both passages

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Archimedes was known for his inventions that he made which are said to be highly useful.


Archimedes made practical creations which empowered the Syracusans to fight off the Roman attack. He secured the city by his developments, for instance, he imagined an enormous crane worked snare " the hook of Archimedes" that might lift foe sends out of the ocean. Legends tell that he additionally developed an approach to make Roman boats to burst into flames by reflection and centering of light of the sun on their boats by utilization of an enormous mirror.

A mix of this and onages and ballstats on the city dividers made it hard for Romans that constrained them to apply direct attack which was costly or the Romans.