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Answer: substance abuse treatment for parolees and probationers differs from treatment for people in jail or prison. Although their freedom is curtailed, they have greater access to drugs and alcohol than the incarcerated population, and hence more opportunities to relapse. Moreover, securing basic needs such as food and shelter is often of paramount importance, especially for parolees attempting to reintegrate into society.
After describing the population under discussion in this chapter, the text takes up levels of supervision and treatment. Next, the discussion provides a broad look at the services needed by probationers and parolees and examines the treatment issues that are specific to offenders under community supervision. The chapter then suggests strategies that are helpful in improving collaboration between the substance abuse treatment and criminal justice systems. Finally, the chapter presents descriptions of sample programs.
The main goal of community correctional programs is to help offenders reintegrate back into their communities. To assist them, the community must labor productively.
The following are some of the methods taken by community corrections to provide the best possible service to juveniles:
Community corrections programs aim to achieve a variety of objectives. These objectives include:
- Reducing institutional overcrowding and costs,
- Preventing future criminal conduct through monitoring,
- Reintegration into the community,
- Rehabilitation, and;
- Restorative justice is used to meet the needs of victims.
The Family Integrated Transitions Program is a novel approach that serves as an example of new best practices.
- The FIT Program (Family Integrated Transitions) is an intense treatment program.
- Motivational Enhancement Therapy, Multisystemic Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and Relapse Prevention are all used in the FIT program as evidence-based operational principles.
Multisystemic Therapy (MST) is a community-based and family-based treatment for kids who exhibit antisocial tendencies and are in danger of being placed in an out-of-home placement.
For more information regarding the Juveniles measures, refer to the link: