Answer: link the names to the information he knows at hand about the people by encoding using long term memory process.
Explanation: the memory process is the way we get, keep and retrieve (take) informations. The memory helps us to save things(information) that we can use later on. The way information goes into our memory is the encoding process. Using the long time memory approach will help you remember the names of the president. Most people have different way they encode. I believe the way we grab or take informations respectively matters. The more you analyse an information by processing it, the more you remember about that information. I believe engaging the semantics method which involves deep processing of information is the right way. My having the history or informations about the various president in your head by reading and researching, you can easily link the presidents to their acheivement. This will aid in you, recurring the names of the president. The visual method also help where pictures with names are linked to the various acheivement of the president.