
Carl, age 32, is an assistant principal at a local high school. He came to the hospital today because of some "blackouts" he's been experiencing over the past six months. The first one occurred after the worst day in his personal life and professional career. That day, his wife revealed that she’d been having an affair with one of his coworkers and wanted a divorce. He then left the house to get some space and think, but couldn’t remember what happened afterward. He "came to" in the parking lot of a movie theater about 100 miles from his home. He has had four more blackouts since that time, though he's never "come to" as far away from home as the first time.Diagnosis: Cark has been experiencing blackouts and does not remember what happens during those periods of time, he also wakes up in random places not knowing how he got there. The only disorder I can think of to fit these symptoms would be, dissociative amnesia.The symptoms of dissociative amnesia are loss of knowledge to what happened during the blackouts, and Carl has been experiencing that. This disorder can be brought on by overwhelming stress, like in Carl’s case.

Respuesta :

Answer: mental stress



Diagnosis: Cark has been experiencing blackouts and does not remember what happens during those periods of time, he also wakes up in random places not knowing how he got there. The only disorder I can think of to fit these symptoms would be, dissociative amnesia.The symptoms of dissociative amnesia are loss of knowledge to what happened during the blackouts, and Carl has been experiencing that. This disorder can be brought on by overwhelming stress, like in Carl’s case.