I am homeschooled so i may have a different veiw on this but ill try.
My Boyfriend goes to a public school so ill tell you what he does, it is hard to separate social life and the time you need to study here's a few tips.
1. LOOK AHEAD if you can he has an app (google class room) that gives him an idea of when he will have more or less homework. And if you cant see whats next, try and ask your teachers about the upcoming school week. On the days when you have less home work schedule time with friends which leads to my next tip...
2. get a planner made out of paper from staples write down everything and i mean everything you have to do that day, (start with doing your whole week a then add in monthly stuff) writing things down on paper helps you remember them.
3. NEVER EVER and (now i know this is hard) put your friends before your school, (unless under some very hard things s*lf harm, su*cide attempts, depr*ssion etc) friends are so so so important dont think im saying they are not, but if you gat your school done it frees up more time and less stress.
4. And on that topic naps are very good, so is taking a break from school. go outside set a timer for 15 minutes and just sit or go on a quick run. this really helps your focus and boredom.