Respuesta :


The Congress. I would want to know who had their relatives working on the tax payers dime, what “private deals” had been made behind closed doors; The idea of term limits appeals to me, but maybe it is better to have a bunch of deadwood and keep the few who are actually trying to improve the lot of the people in the USA; It is worth it, I think, to have the buffoons if there are some good people without term limits. Finding out in detail what (if anything) they have achieved for themselves instead of their constituents and the USA would be a great first step, and get them out of Public Office; they have sworn an oath to the Constitution, not their broker. It is amazing how one can exit Public Office with far, far more than their salaries allow; to dig out the corruption at EVERY level would be ideal, but it is the Congress who has much to do with the Laws we have, if they do anything at all. Naming Post Offices is not a great days work!
