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Extreme under eating and possibly over exercising to avoid gaining weight
Extreme under eating and possibly over exercising to avoid gaining weight.
Anorexia Nervosa is when a person shows a lack of feeling hungry or refuses to eat in order to become thin. This is most commonly seen in teenagers with mental health issues. Bullying from childhood is the most common factor to diagnose someone with anorexia.
Bulimia Nervosa is the opposite. People with Bulimia tend to eat/drink large amounts of food while having no control over it. Many tend to eat such large amounts in secret, as it makes them feel better. Though, after they binge there is a pile of guilt placed onto them in which they purge their stomach from all the food/drinks. A bulimic person who purges or regurgitates their food, normally end up having some health defects. Such as, purging too much in too little of a time. Though, not all bulimic people purge. There are ones that binge and are simply unable to control what they are doing which then leads to weight gain and possible health defects.