Recall examples of how you have either used or observed others using the techniques of political behavior identified in the chapter. What other techniques can you suggest?

Respuesta :

The so-called behaviorist revolution transformed the practice of research into political science in the 1960s. Methodological advances since then have enabled great advances in the field of comparative studies and have surpassed the limits of industrially developed nations, which has enabled the accumulation of information on values, political attitudes and behaviors of publics from nations on all continents

The first one involves questions about individuals' political attitudes and values, brought together under the traditional label of “political culture”. Studies on formation and change in attitudes, subjective political effectiveness, adherence to democracy, political tolerance, interpersonal trust and in political institutions, among others, have been conducted by a significant number of researchers in recent decades.

A second axis concerns electoral behavior, in particular the study of the decision-making process and the conditions for voting. This pioneering area dates back to the 1940s and still occupies a central place today in studies on political behavior. In the gravitational axis of studies on electoral behavior, a number of auxiliary areas for the study of political behavior were developed, such as political communication and the effects of electoral campaigns.

Finally, we have studies on political participation that go beyond electoral limits, with emphasis on the types of contestation that have been gaining more and more space on the research agenda due to their strong presence and political relevance, today, in democracies. It is important to highlight that the behaviorist view of these phenomena is quite different from that adopted by researchers from social movements and other collective actors, since the focus of the analysis here is the individual.